• Career Education Office
  • Professional Experience
  • Internships
  • Internships for Academic Credit
  • Internships for Academic Credit

    Winter & Spring 2025 Internship Learning Agreements (ILAs) are now OPEN! Please see the steps below for registering an academic internship and completing the ILA form.

    Please note: Registration is NOT complete until your ILA has been finalized, approved, and submitted to the Registrar.

    All majors at Goucher offer students the opportunity to complete an internship experience for credit towards their degree. To earn academic credit for an internship, students must identify an internship that relates to their major and/or career goals and enroll in an internship course. Information regarding how to enroll in an academic internship course can be found below. For specific course requirements by major, consult the Course Catalogue

    Contact career@shushijia.net with any questions. 

    Course Credit & Hour Requirements

    All majors offer internships for academic credit. Academic internships are required for BUS (major and minor), DIG, MDS and PSC majors. Internship courses are offered for 0-4 credits, depending on the major. Internships for academic credit can be completed in any semester.

    Each credit will require 45 hours of work at the internship site (except for 0-credits):

    • 0 credit = 30 hours
    • 1 credit = 45 hours
    • 2 credits = 90 hours
    • 3 credits = 135 hours
    • 4 credits = 180 hours

    Steps to Register for an internship course

     ILA Graphic

     There is a four-step process to register an internship for academic credit:

    1. Pre-register for the desired internship course.
      • Confirm eligibility to receive credit by meeting with your Academic Advisor.
      • Identify the internship course for your major and “pre-register” for this course during your registration window.
      • Please note: the course will be listed as 0 credits and with no instructor.
    2. Secure an internship and identify your Site Supervisor.
      • Secure an internship that will align with your academic and career goals.
      • Discuss responsibilities, expectations, and supervision plans with an internship Site Supervisor.
    3. Identify a Faculty Internship Sponsor.
      • Identify a Faculty Internship Sponsor (FIS), i.e. the “professor” for your course; it can be your Academic Advisor or any full-time faculty member in the department where you want to receive credit.
      • Confirm that the internship qualifies for credit based on departmental requirements
      • Discuss what academic work will be required for the course.
    4. Complete your Internship Learning Agreement on Handshake.

    Special Instructions:

    • International Internships: Meet with the Office of Global Education if you are requesting a study abroad substitution or pursuing an independent international internship for credit or funding that is not affiliated with a study abroad program. 
    • Zero-credit internship courses: Students can register for an internship course for zero-credits, which will be recorded on their academic record. Reach out to the CEO (career@shushijia.net) if you are interested in this option.

    Deadlines & important dates

    Spring 2025:

    • November 11 - 15, 2024: Registration period for Winter and Spring internships.
    • Feburary 9, 2025* - Final Deadline to submit an ILA for Spring internships.
    • May 8, 2024 - Work due to Faculty Internship Sponsor for Spring internships.
    • January 13 - May 22, 2025: Period for which internship hours can accrue to count for credit for the Spring 2025 semester.

    *Please note: The CEO recommends you submit your ILA via Handshake at least 2 weeks before the above deadlines. Any ILAs that are not fully approved and submitted to the Registrar by these dates each semester will need to submit a Petition to add a course after the deadline. For this reason, If you decide not to pursue credit for your internship, you can drop the internship course by following the drop guidelines for full semester courses as per the Academic Calendar.

    In exceptional circumstances, students may be able to request academic credit for an internship completed in a previous semester. If you would like to learn more about this process, please email career@shushijia.net for more information

    For more information, consult the Academic Calendar & Important Dates section of the Registar's website.

    Academic Internship Forms

    Forms to register an internship course:

     Forms to be submitted at the end of an internship for academic credit:

    Academic Internship Policies

    Policies that provide guidelines for students who wish to register for academic credit for their internship are:

    Academic Internship Course Fees

    Fall & Spring:

    • Internship courses during Fall and Spring semesters do not incur fees when included as part of an 18-hour course load.
    • If an internship course will exceed the 18 credits, students will need to:
    • If you are a part-time student (less than 12 credits) who has added an internship course, please reach out to finaid@shushijia.net to alert them to this situation as it could impact your financial aid.

    Winter (J-term) & Summer:

    Internship courses during Winter & Summer semesters are subject to a per-credit fee. For more information, consult the Tuition & Fees section of the Billing website.